IVECO triumfs Dakara 2016

3 IVECO in the top 5 Gérard de Rooy, the leader of the Petronas De Rooy Iveco team, is overall winner.

After MAGELYS, COACH OF THE YEAR 2016 and EUROCARGO, TRUCK OF THE YEAR 2016 IVECO triumphs at the Dakar 2016, the world’s toughest rally.

Thanks to:
Pep Vila Roca, Xavi Colome Roqueta and Marc Torres Sala , the fast service truck who finished 11th Aleš Loprais , Ferrán Marco Alcayna and Bernard der Kinderen, who unfortunately abandoned during stage 5 The FPT team in Arbon who specially prepared Iveco’s Cursor 13 engines manufactured in Bourbon Lancy plant The whole team, sponsors, friends and supporters.

I wish to dedicate our victory to my former co-pilot Jurgen Damen who accidentally passed away last year” Gérard De Rooy