One of the world's leading engine manufacturers, Iveco Motors is renowned for its advanced technology and high performance, the result of ongoing research and
development. In the past five years all Iveco Motors engine families (light, medium, heavy) have been completely renewed.
Iveco Motors is one of the few engine manufacturers worldwide that can count on a complete range of units spanning a power output from 40 to 1765 kW,
suitable for all types of application fields: vehicle, agricultural, industrial, marine, railway and power generation.
The production trend at Iveco Motors is growing, with approximately 435,000 units produced in 2004, 15% more than the previous year.About 40% of these engines are used to equip Iveco vehicles while the remainder are destined for the open market.
Iveco Motors engines are produced at nine plants (six in Europe and one in Brazil, Argentina and China), while there are f i ve research and development centres located in Italy, France, Switzerland and Spain.
Iveco Motors is organised in five divisions (France , Germany, UK, Sweden and USA) and has a more than 350-strong network of distributors and about 1,150 service points.
Iveco Motors has always been attentive to respect for the environment, developing advanced technologies to reduce emissions and with solutions representing
m a x i m u m e f f e c t i v e n e s s i n t e r m s o f e c o n o my a n d p e r f o r m a n c e .
The Iveco Motors range also includes vehicle and stationar y natural gas powered units with emission levels well below Euro 5 and EEV (Environmentally Enhanced Vehicle) limits.