The new sustainable range for unlimited delivery in urban areas

​​​​​​​​​​​The New DAILY BLUE POWER family is the perfect vehicle for urban and suburban missions; it can access all city centres round the clock, freeing transport operators from the constraints of environmental regulations with its winning combination of technology, low emissions and environmental impact, high performance and efficiency. 

The New DAILY BLUE POWER anticipates the future and offers freedom of choice between three technologies: 

Daily Hi-Matic Natural Power: the first Compressed Natural Gas vehicle with an 8-speed automatic gearbox in the LCV industry – the perfect combination of low emission fuel and driveability for urban areas.

Daily Euro 6 RDE 2020 Ready: the first LCV ready for 2020 Real Driving Emissions regulations, as verified by the Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO). A unique offer in the market!

Daily Electric: the zero-emissions vehicle that enables circulation in cities with the strictest traffic restrictions