Press Releases

Iveco wins Agorà 2010 award
Iveco won the special "National Silver for best corporate image" trophy at the XXIII edition of the Agorà Award, which is attributed to advertising campaigns and communication projects that stand out for originality, relevance and effectiveness.
The Bullder Trailer Programme project actually won the prestigious award for Iveco, implemented by Customer Service, in cooperation with the agency Fore di Torino. The rationale behind the award - "a coordinated image of high-impact visual communication to the target audience" - sums up the whole project very well.
The Bullder Trailer Program is proposed as one of the most comprehensive services for care and maintenance of trailers and semi-trailers. It was established to meet customer needs to provide assistance for the whole vehicle at a single centre. Customers find spare parts and high quality professional competence available at Iveco service workshops both for motor vehicles and their trailers / semi-trailers.
The widespread presence of the Iveco network support, quality assurance of spare parts together with the reduction of downtime - with one stop it is possible for both the motor vehicle and the trailer to be serviced simultaneously - are a real advantage for Iveco customers.
To transfer these communication contents a creative image of a trailer converted into Swiss penknife was studied: a metaphor that goes well with the idea of immediately available effective and comprehensive emergency service. Creativity has also been demonstrated in different media including posters, folders for final customers and dealers, brochures and point of sale materials such as totem and information sheets.