Iveco in the 14th UN Climate Change Conference
Iveco participates in the 14th United Nations Climate Change Conference and Exhibition to be held in Poznan, Poland, on 1-12 December.
Leader in the field of natural gas commercial vehicles, Iveco exhibits Daily hybrid and electric models. Fiat Group presents most innovative and environmentally-friendly solutions reaffirming its commitment to sustainable and accessible mobility.
Iveco believes that natural gas vehicles represent, today, the most appropriate solution for urban transport, efficient and at a sustainable cost.
Iveco is moreover, committed to the development of alternative traction systems such as electric and hybrid vehicles that are able to operate with zero or very low emissions at point of use as well as making significant contributions to reducing transport CO2 emissions.
Products on show
The Daily Hybrid Van is a vehicle with a diesel-electric parallel hybrid propulsion system, designed to reduce fuel consumption by up to 30% in urban goods distribution and collection work, compared to vehicles with traditional power trains. The F1A 2300 JTD Intercooler with maximum power of 85cv works in combination with a 60cv (32kW) electric motor-generator, a 6-speed automated gearbox and a nickel-metal hydride battery pack of rated capacity 1.9 kWh. System operating features include starting from a standstill in electric mode only, automatic starting of Diesel engine on the basis of driver performance requirement, power assist from electric motor during acceleration and climbing, Stop & Start function and regenerative braking. The payload is only 200 kg less than conventional Diesel powered models. A further innovation in this vehicle is the automatic engagement of the engine brake during deceleration, in advance of the application of the foundation brake.
The Minibus Electric Daily A50C/E is Iveco’s answer to urban mobility with “zero” local emissions, thanks to an electric traction motor-generator and a high specific energy sodium battery system (NaNi/Cl2). The three-phase asynchronous electric motor is inverter controlled and has the task of directly moving the vehicle and recovering energy when braking. This energy efficiency makes it possible to prolong the operating range, which can be more than 100 km in urban mission. The MY2006 Minibus A50C/E model has an all-electric drive and is designed specifically for urban use. According to the required range, the unit can be made up of either two or three sodium-nickel-chloride batteries. Maximum speed is 70 km/h with a maximum laden gradeability of 16%. Peak motor power is 80 Kw. The braking system includes hydraulic disc brakes, ABS and servo assistance, with a vacuum pump operated by an electric motor. The electricity generated during braking is used to recharge the batteries in a brake energy recovery system. All systems linked to the electrical propulsion are controlled by an electronic management unit that communicates with them via a controller-area network (CAN) developed by Iveco. The vehicle is perfectly suitable for most common urban missions (cruise service, taxi on call, school bus, etc.).
Sustainable mobility: a key role in Iveco’s strategy
Sustainable mobility plays a key role in Iveco’s corporate strategy. Well aware of the importance of sustainable mobility and in an effort to provide products that are tailored to customers’ needs, Iveco proposes a number of highly innovative technological solutions:
• Natural gas vehicles. Natural gas engines are among the cleanest available in the market. They are as quiet as standard petrol engines and emit reduced levels of CO2. Iveco is European leader in the field of natural gas powered commercial vehicles. Its product range principally consists of vehicles for urban use: a vast array of buses, the Daily, the Stralis and, from 2009, the Eurocargo. As of today, a total of over 10,000 Iveco natural gas vehicles are in operation worldwide.
• Renewable fuels. Biogas – derived from decomposing organic matter as well as gas derived from fossil fuels – is readily usable on Iveco vehicles, and so is biodiesel which can be used in blends of up to 5% with fossil fuel diesel with no need for after-market modifications. The future of biofuel is the second-generation renewable bio-fuels, namely BTL (Biomass-To-Liquid) and HVO (Hydrogenated Vegetable Oil). Iveco supports the development of BTL and HVO so as to promote their increased availability.
• Alternative traction. The synergy between an electric motor and a thermal motor and the recovery of kinetic energy produced from braking enable Iveco’s hybrid vehicles to achieve significant savings in fuel consumption. Compared with traditional vehicles, hybrids offer reduced noise and significant savings in fuel consumption, in addition to the possibility - offered by certain configurations - of driving with zero emissions in protected urban areas. The Iveco range of serial and parallel hybrid buses is already operating in numerous European cities. This technology is also being extended to freight vehicles. In 2008, Iveco – in collaboration with a number of major customers – initiated an extensive road testing program on its light and medium commercial vehicles (Daily and Eurocargo). For urban use, Iveco also offers an electric version of the Daily which provides zero emissions, extremely low noise and a range of up to 120 km.
• Pollutant emissions. Air quality is fundamental to protecting the environment and public health. All Iveco vehicles with a GVW of 7 tonnes or higher are certified to Euro 5 standards which come into effect in October 2009. In addition, many Tector and Cursor versions are also available with EEV certification, the strictest standard currently in effect in Europe.