CBU, CKD, SKD, CKS, KIT, PO definitions

Iveco classifies its outgoing products by acronyms that identify the type of production inside the company.

The descriptions of the various acronyms used in Iveco are as follows:

  • CBU “(Completely Built Up ) Working” finished vehicles
  • SKD (Semi Knocked Down )  “Working” finished vehicles, subsequently knocked down into a very limited number of parts.
  • CKD (Completely Knocked Down)  Knocked down vehicles, characterised by:
    • a value higher than or equal to 40% of the equivalent CBU;
    • product management by Iveco.
  • CKS Knocked down vehicles characterised by:
    • value below 40% of equivalent CBU;
    • product management by Iveco;
    • not consolidated in sales and production statistics.
  • KIT Vehicle parts with product management by customer, which are not consolidated in sales statistics.
  • PO (Programming Order)  Vehicles or parts of vehicles with product management by customer, supplied on just-in-time basis by  part number according to a precise scheduling